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oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®

oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®



oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®


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Product Detail

Model: PV270R1K1T1NFDV, PV270, PV270R9K1T1NFWS

Type: Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump

2. Performance Specifications


PV270R1K1T1NFDV: The variable displacement of this pump allows for a wide range of output volumes. It can adjust the displacement to meet different hydraulic power requirements, with a maximum displacement of 270 cc per revolution.

PV270: Fixed at 270 cc per revolution. It provides a constant volume of hydraulic fluid delivery per rotation, suitable for applications where a stable flow rate is required.

PV270R9K1T1NFWS: Similar to PV270R1K1T1NFDV, it has a variable displacement with a maximum of 270 cc per revolution, offering flexibility in different working conditions.

Rated Pressure: The rated pressure of these pumps is typically [X] bar. This is the pressure at which the pump is designed to operate continuously and efficiently, ensuring reliable performance in hydraulic systems.

Maximum Pressure: They can withstand a maximum pressure of [X + ΔX] bar for short periods. This allows the pump to handle peak loads and pressure surges that may occur during the operation of the hydraulic system.

Flow Rate: The flow rate depends on the displacement and the rotational speed of the pump. At a rated rotational speed of [N] rpm, the approximate flow rate can be calculated as follows:

PV270R1K1T1NFDV and PV270R9K1T1NFWS: Flow rate = Displacement × (Rotational Speed / 1000) = 270 × (N / 1000) liters per minute (assuming maximum displacement). The actual flow rate can be adjusted by changing the displacement.

PV270: Flow rate = 270 × (N / 1000) liters per minute.

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Product Detail

Model: PV270R1K1T1NFDV, PV270, PV270R9K1T1NFWS

Type: Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump

2. Performance Specifications


PV270R1K1T1NFDV: The variable displacement of this pump allows for a wide range of output volumes. It can adjust the displacement to meet different hydraulic power requirements, with a maximum displacement of 270 cc per revolution.

PV270: Fixed at 270 cc per revolution. It provides a constant volume of hydraulic fluid delivery per rotation, suitable for applications where a stable flow rate is required.

PV270R9K1T1NFWS: Similar to PV270R1K1T1NFDV, it has a variable displacement with a maximum of 270 cc per revolution, offering flexibility in different working conditions.

Rated Pressure: The rated pressure of these pumps is typically [X] bar. This is the pressure at which the pump is designed to operate continuously and efficiently, ensuring reliable performance in hydraulic systems.

Maximum Pressure: They can withstand a maximum pressure of [X + ΔX] bar for short periods. This allows the pump to handle peak loads and pressure surges that may occur during the operation of the hydraulic system.

Flow Rate: The flow rate depends on the displacement and the rotational speed of the pump. At a rated rotational speed of [N] rpm, the approximate flow rate can be calculated as follows:

PV270R1K1T1NFDV and PV270R9K1T1NFWS: Flow rate = Displacement × (Rotational Speed / 1000) = 270 × (N / 1000) liters per minute (assuming maximum displacement). The actual flow rate can be adjusted by changing the displacement.

PV270: Flow rate = 270 × (N / 1000) liters per minute.

oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®
oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®
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oem PV270R1K1T1NFDV Hydraulic Variable Displacement Piston Pump PV270 PV270R9K1T1NFWS | Partsdic®

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